Fear of Missing Out, or FOMO, is a powerful psychological tool. In the world of e-commerce, it’s a tactic many marketers lean on—especially during events like Black Friday and Cyber Monday.

But here’s the thing: while FOMO can drive amazing results when done right, overdoing it can make your brand come across as desperate or even a bit sleazy. Think of those used car salesmen stereotypes—pushy, too aggressive, and just a little bit dodgy. That’s what you don’t want to be.

So, how can you use FOMO in your emails effectively, in a way that feels genuine and respectful to your customers? Let’s dive into it.

The Power of FOMO

Why does FOMO work so well? Simple. People hate missing out.

It’s hardwired into us. Whether it’s missing out on a deal or losing the chance to grab a limited-edition product, the feeling of regret is something most people actively avoid.

If your emails create the right amount of urgency, you can drive higher engagement and more conversions without needing to overhaul your strategy. The key, however, is balance. You need to nudge your subscribers in the right direction—not push them.

Why You Need to Use FOMO (The Right Way)

With inboxes more crowded than ever, customers are being bombarded with marketing emails daily. They’re quick to delete anything that feels inauthentic or too pushy. This is where using FOMO comes in. When used effectively, it taps into that natural human instinct to avoid missing out, making your emails stand out without alienating your audience.

But here’s the catch: if your emails scream “BUY NOW OR ELSE,” you risk coming across as desperate. The trick is to balance urgency with authenticity. That’s what will set your emails apart and help you build trust with your audience over the long term.

Let’s look at some ways you can implement FOMO without sounding like you’re twisting someone’s arm.

How to Use Urgency Effectively in Emails

Here are some practical strategies you can start using in your emails right now to build urgency while still keeping things respectful and authentic.

1. Limited-Time Offers

One of the easiest and most effective ways to use FOMO is through limited-time offers. Whether it’s a flash sale or a special discount that only lasts 24 hours, make sure your customers know that time is running out.

A great way to reinforce this is by adding countdown timers to your emails. Just be careful not to overuse them—reserve countdowns for your most impactful campaigns to keep them feeling fresh.

2. Exclusive Deals

People love feeling like they’re getting something special, something that not everyone has access to. Let your subscribers know when you’re offering an exclusive deal, like a VIP sale or early access to a new product. When customers feel like they’re part of an exclusive group, they’re more likely to take action.

3. Low Stock Alerts

Running low on a popular item? Let your audience know before it’s gone. However, make sure you’re being honest. False scarcity can damage your brand’s trustworthiness. Your customers will see through it, and you’ll lose credibility, which is far more valuable than a few extra sales.

4. Highlight Real Consequences

When you’re driving urgency, make sure your customers know what they’ll miss out on if they don’t act now. Whether it’s losing access to a great deal, missing out on a limited-edition product, or passing on a free bonus, let them know the real consequences of not acting. Just make sure those consequences are genuine.

Why This Works

Urgency works because it taps into the natural human fear of missing out. But it’s important to remember that it’s about nudging, not pushing. People don’t like being pushed into decisions, especially when they feel pressured or manipulated.

When you use urgency the right way, it not only helps boost short-term sales, but it also builds a sense of trust with your audience. Over time, they’ll come to realise that when you say an offer is limited, you mean it. And that will make them quicker to act in the future.

At Flowstate, we’ve seen firsthand how powerful FOMO can be when used properly. It’s all about balance—creating urgency without crossing the line into pushiness. This kind of strategic thinking is exactly what we use in our State of Flow system.

Our approach focuses on using what works—like FOMO—while ensuring that every email you send feels genuine and true to your brand. We help you build trust with your audience while driving the results you need to grow your business.

If you’re ready to start using FOMO effectively and driving real results with your email marketing, we’re here to help. At Flowstate, our State of Flow system is designed to help you optimise every aspect of your email strategy for maximum impact.

Let’s have a chat about how we can tailor our system to your brand and start moving the needle on your email marketing.

Click here to get started.