Ever wondered why some brands absolutely crush their launches before the sale even begins?

It’s not luck—it’s strategy.

Most brands think all the action happens on launch day. But here’s the secret: the real magic starts before the sale even begins. The brands that win are the ones who know how to prime their audience beforehand. And how do they do that?

Pre-sale emails.

Why Pre-Sale Emails Are a Game Changer

Think of pre-sale emails like the trailers before a big blockbuster movie. They build anticipation, excitement, and get your audience ready for the main event without giving it all away.

When done right, pre-sale emails can have your subscribers watching their inboxes, wallets in hand, just waiting for the moment your sale begins. They’re hooked before your offer even drops.

The reason this works is simple: people love feeling like they’re in the know. When you give them a sneak peek, tease the offer, and build anticipation, you’re making them feel special—and that creates an emotional connection.

What to Include in Your Pre-Sale Emails

To get your audience primed and ready, you’ll need to carefully craft your pre-sale emails. Here’s what to include:

1. Tease the Offer

Don’t give everything away right off the bat. Share just enough to stir curiosity and get them excited about what’s coming. For example, let them know there’s a limited-time offer or a special bonus coming their way, but keep the details vague. This keeps them hooked and wanting more.

2. Build Anticipation

Hint at what’s on the horizon—whether it’s early-bird pricing, limited availability, or exclusive bonuses. People love to feel like they’re part of something special. When they know they’re getting access to something not everyone will get, they’re far more likely to be on the lookout for your emails.

3. Educate Them

Use pre-sale emails to educate your audience about why they need your offer in their lives. Show them testimonials, case studies, or real-life success stories. This builds trust and anticipation, and lets them see the tangible value they’ll be getting.

4. Create Urgency Early

Don’t wait until launch day to create urgency. Start now. Make it clear that this deal won’t last long and that once it’s gone, it’s gone. But remember, you’re nudging, not pushing. The goal is to build excitement without coming across as desperate.

How Pre-Sale Emails Will Boost Your Next Campaign

The beauty of pre-sale emails is that they warm up your audience before the big day. This means that by the time your launch happens, your subscribers are primed and ready to buy. You’ve already done the hard work of building anticipation, so when your cart opens, they’re not hesitating—they’re taking action.

If you’re planning a launch or special offer, don’t underestimate the power of pre-sale emails. A simple 3-5 email sequence can make all the difference. By teasing the offer, building excitement, and creating urgency, you’re essentially lining up your audience to convert as soon as your sale begins.

Why You Can’t Ignore Pre-Sale Emails for Black Friday/Cyber Monday

With Black Friday and Cyber Monday just around the corner, this strategy is more relevant than ever. The inbox competition will be fierce, and you want to make sure your emails stand out. By warming up your audience in advance, you’re putting yourself in a prime position to smash your Q4 sales targets.

If you’re serious about making this Black Friday/Cyber Monday your best one yet, I’ve got something that’ll help: our BFCM Playbook. This isn’t just any old guide—it’s the exact playbook we use with our top-tier customers to create their biggest Black Friday results yet.

What’s Inside the BFCM Playbook?

Here’s a sneak peek of what you’ll find in the Playbook:

  • Conversion-Optimised Calendar: Steal our exact calendar to ensure maximum impact for your campaigns.
  • Segmentations & Offers: Get the exact segments and irresistible offers to send that almost guarantee conversions.
  • Flow Timing Secrets: Learn how to time your emails perfectly so you don’t miss out on high-intent sales.
  • List-Burning Prevention: Simple steps to avoid burning out your email list during BFCM.
  • The SMS Mistake to Avoid: A crucial SMS error that could ruin your results if you’re not careful.
  • And Much More!

If you want access to our internal blueprint that we’re using to skyrocket our clients’ BFCM success,Contact Flowstate today!

This is your chance to use the same strategies the top-performing brands use to dominate their launches. Let’s make this your best Black Friday/Cyber Monday yet!