In the ever-evolving realm of email marketing, where the focus frequently shifts to captivating subject lines and visually engaging templates, there's a crucial yet often overlooked aspect that can make or break your email campaigns - Pre-Send Email Success Check

At Flowstate, we understand that the efforts put into creating the perfect email might be in vain if you miss this essential step. In fact, your brand could be losing significant opportunities, potentially amounting to $175,000 or more every time you send an email to your list without proper checks.

The Importance of Pre-Send Email Success Check

Email Success Check is the key to ensuring that your meticulously crafted email campaigns appear flawlessly on every device. In an era where users access their emails from various devices, overlooking the compatibility aspect can result in missed opportunities and revenue losses. Our commitment at Flowstate is to empower businesses with the tools and strategies necessary to elevate their email marketing game.

Discover a Free Master Email Class at Flowstate

To drive this commitment forward, we have developed a Free Master Email Class dedicated to Email Success Check. We provide marketers and businesses with valuable insights, practical tips, and a step-by-step guide to ensure that your email campaigns reach their full potential. The class includes a video, offering an in-depth understanding of the significance of Email Success Check and how it can be seamlessly integrated into your email marketing strategy. Visit our website to Learn more about Email Success Check.


Email marketing success is not just about catchy subject lines and visually stunning templates. It's about a meticulous process, from crafting compelling content to ensuring flawless execution.

By prioritising email success checks and optimising your email campaigns for various devices, you not only ensure a visually appealing email templates but also open doors to numerous conversion opportunities. 

Are you ready to discover the missing link that could be costing your brand $175,000 or more every time you hit 'send'? Join Flowstate and Boost your Emails Sales!

We have a free guide ready for you. Just reach out to Chantily De Guzman at, and we'll be happy to share the guide with you.