Indecision is something we all face—whether we’re buying a new product or sending out marketing emails to our customers. You know the type of customer I’m talking about: the one who’s almost there, has clicked on the link, maybe even added something to their cart, but hasn’t completed the purchase.

Instead of thinking of indecision as a lost sale, it’s time to flip the script. Indecision is an opportunity—a chance to guide your customer across the line, from "maybe" to "yes." The key is to give them a little nudge without coming across as pushy or desperate.

The Science Behind “Maybe”

When a customer hesitates, they’re likely emotionally invested in your product but still have some doubts. They need something more—whether it’s reassurance or urgency—to feel confident about making the decision.

So, how do you do that? It’s all about filling in the gaps and giving them the right reason to take action. Here’s how you can help them make the leap from “maybe” to “yes” using effective email strategies.

1. Offer a Strong Guarantee

One of the main reasons customers hesitate to buy is fear. They’re afraid of making the wrong decision or wasting their money. A strong, no-nonsense guarantee removes that fear and gives them the confidence they need to make the purchase.

When you emphasise your guarantee in your emails, you take away the risk for your customers. Whether it’s a money-back guarantee, a no-questions-asked return policy, or a risk-free trial, you’re reassuring them that they’ve got nothing to lose by saying yes.

“Love it or your money back, no questions asked.”
“Try it risk-free for 30 days.”

This kind of guarantee shows customers that you stand behind your product and are confident they’ll love it too.

2. Use Gentle Urgency

Urgency is a powerful tool, but it needs to be used carefully to avoid turning off hesitant customers. Instead of shouting "LAST CHANCE!" at every turn, try incorporating subtle urgency that nudges them without overwhelming them.

This can be as simple as offering a limited-time bonus or letting them know that stock is running low. FOMO (Fear of Missing Out) works well when it’s implied, not shouted.

“Only 3 spots left for early-bird access.”
“Get an exclusive bonus if you order before midnight.”

This kind of urgency works because it creates a sense of importance without pushing too hard.

3. Leverage Social Proof

One of the biggest reasons for indecision is uncertainty. Customers want to know that they’re making the right choice, and nothing reassures them like social proof. Testimonials, reviews, and success stories help hesitant customers feel like they’re not the only ones on the fence—and that those who went ahead and purchased are happy with their decision.

Including real customer stories, “before and after” examples, or positive reviews directly in your emails gives hesitant customers the extra confidence they need to say yes.

“Here’s what other customers had to say…”
“Still unsure? See how [Customer Name] transformed their [Problem] with our product.”

4. Follow Up with Strategic Emails

Sometimes, indecision isn’t a “no”—it’s a “not right now.” That’s why following up with well-timed emails is so important. For customers who clicked through but didn’t buy, a simple reminder can go a long way.

Follow-up emails should be focused on addressing the customer’s concerns, reminding them of what they’re missing out on, and making it easy for them to pick up where they left off.

“We saved your cart for you—still interested?”
“Still thinking about it? Here’s why this offer is perfect for you…”

These follow-ups keep your product front-of-mind and gently nudge the customer to complete the purchase.

How You Can Use These Strategies Right Now

Converting hesitant customers doesn’t require big changes—just small tweaks to your messaging and strategy. By using guarantees, creating gentle urgency, showcasing social proof, and following up with strategic emails, you can turn "maybe" into "yes" more often than not.

At Flowstate, we specialise in strategies like these to help brands turn indecision into action. Our State of Flow system teaches you how to build trust, remove doubt, and get your customers to click "buy" with confidence.

If you’re looking to improve your email strategy and convert more hesitant customers, State of Flow is the solution. We’ll show you how to optimise your messaging, use guarantees effectively, and craft follow-up sequences that work.

Want to send emails your customers can’t say no to? Click here to learn more about how Flowstate can take your email strategy to the next level.

Let’s make indecision a thing of the past and start turning "maybes" into "yeses" today.