Let’s be real—Ryan Reynolds is more than just the snarky anti-hero Deadpool or the witty entrepreneur behind Aviation Gin. He’s an absolute genius when it comes to marketing. While most of us are heading to the cinema to catch him and Hugh Jackman (fellow Aussie!) in action, I can’t help but admire Ryan’s real superpower: his marketing genius.

Ryan has coined a term for his brand of advertising—“Fastvertising.” It’s a form of newsjacking that moves at lightning speed. Essentially, he takes what’s trending in culture, hops on it, and turns it into brilliant content for his brands.

But what’s even more fascinating is how this approach applies to email marketing, particularly in the fast-paced world of e-commerce. Let’s dive into how Ryan’s approach can help you create engaging, relevant, and impactful email campaigns that cut through the noise.

What is Fastvertising?

Fastvertising is all about taking advantage of cultural moments while they’re still hot. Ryan Reynolds has built an entire agency, Maximum Effort, on this concept—turning trending topics into viral moments in record time. A perfect example? His Aviation Gin ad that was created within 36 hours of that controversial Peloton commercial. Not only was it quick, but it inserted the brand into a cultural conversation and made everyone take notice.

But how does this work in email marketing? The same principles apply. If you can move fast, tap into culture, and speak to your audience’s emotions, your emails have the potential to go beyond just another sales pitch and become something your subscribers genuinely want to open.

How to Use Fastvertising in Your Email Campaigns

Speed is Key

When it comes to fastvertising, timing is everything. The quicker you can get your email out while the topic is still relevant, the better. Trends move fast, and so should your marketing. If a viral moment hits, get your email campaign ready to go as soon as possible.

Tip: Keep an eye on current events and trending topics relevant to your industry. Whether it's a holiday, a viral meme, or a major industry update, the sooner you act, the more likely your email is to resonate with your audience.

Tap into Culture

Aligning your emails with what's happening in culture makes your brand part of the conversation. You’re not just sending a promotion—you’re creating content that feels timely and engaging. This is where your brand has the chance to step in and say something that’s on the pulse of what people are already talking about.

Example: Let’s say there’s a huge sporting event coming up. Instead of sending a generic sales email, craft a campaign that ties into the event. Maybe it’s a limited-time offer for customers to get game-day essentials, or maybe you just show some brand personality by sharing tips on how to enjoy the game.

Emotions Drive Engagement

People remember how you make them feel, and that applies to your emails too. Whether it’s humour, nostalgia, or excitement, tapping into your subscribers’ emotions can make your email stand out in a crowded inbox. Ryan’s marketing has a knack for making people laugh, feel connected, or share with friends—and your emails should aim to do the same.

Get Your Audience Involved

Encouraging your audience to share your content or even create their own can turn a regular email into something much more powerful. Involving your customers in your campaigns creates a sense of community and makes them feel like they’re part of something bigger.

Example: Run a campaign that encourages customers to share how they use your product, then feature their stories in future emails. It not only engages your audience but builds social proof for your brand.

Why Fastvertising Works in Email Marketing

The beauty of tying your email content to what’s trending is that it naturally boosts your email’s chances of being opened and engaged with. People are more likely to click on an email that feels relevant to what’s happening in their world right now. This could lead to increased open rates, more shares, and even the potential to go viral if the content resonates deeply enough.

Here’s how you can start incorporating fastvertising into your email strategy:

Stay Informed

Keep your finger on the pulse of current events and trends, both within and outside your industry. Subscribe to news alerts, follow social media trends, and make a habit of staying updated on the latest viral moments.

Be Prepared

You don’t have to reinvent the wheel every time something happens. Have some flexible templates or quick-win ideas on standby so you can adapt them to whatever trend or moment you want to capitalise on. This preparation will help you act quickly when the time is right.

Stay Authentic

Just because something is trending doesn’t mean it’s the right fit for your brand. Make sure your fastvertising efforts are aligned with your brand’s voice and values. It’s easy to jump on a trend, but if it feels forced or out of character, it could do more harm than good.

Move Quickly

When an opportunity arises, don’t wait. If there’s a trending moment that aligns with your brand, act on it immediately. The window for fastvertising can be short-lived, so get your email out while the topic is still hot.

Things to Watch Out For

While fastvertising can be an incredibly powerful tool, there are a few things to keep in mind:

  • Avoid Controversy: Some topics are better left alone. Always assess whether a trend could backfire or damage your brand’s reputation
  • Contribute Value: Make sure your email is actually contributing to the conversation, not just piggybacking on it.
  • Understand the Context: Be aware of the original story or moment you're tapping into and ensure you're approaching it with the appropriate tone.


Fastvertising isn’t just a passing fad—it’s a way to keep your emails fresh, relevant, and engaging. And while speed is key, remember that the real power lies in delivering value to your audience. Whether it’s adding humour, sharing knowledge, or offering something your customers need at just the right time, fastvertising keeps your brand in the spotlight while making your emails must-reads.

Ready to step up your email marketing game? At Flowstate, we specialise in strategies that help e-commerce brands thrive. Let’s work together to craft emails that engage, convert, and keep your customers coming back for more.

Take Action Now: Explore Flowstate Academy and learn how we can help turn your email marketing into a revenue-generating machine.