When was the last time you really pushed the boundaries with your A/B testing? I’m not talking about the usual tweaks like testing subject lines or shifting your send time from 11 AM to 3 PM. I mean really thinking outside the inbox.

Trying things that seem unconventional—maybe even a little risky.

Here’s why that matters: if you’re willing to experiment—really experiment—you could unlock a whole new level of engagement with your emails.

As Rory Sutherland, Vice Chairman of Ogilvy UK, once said, “Not everything that makes sense works, and not everything that works makes sense.” In other words, sometimes the most effective strategies are the ones that break the mould.

Why Bold Testing Works

Your customer’s inbox is more crowded than ever, and everyone is fighting for attention. Most marketers are playing it safe, sticking to conventional wisdom and standard practices. That’s your opportunity to stand out.

Take email send times, for instance. While most brands are sending their emails in the middle of the day when inboxes are flooded, what if you sent an email at 5 AM? It sounds crazy, right? But consider this: nearly half of people (49%) check their emails first thing in the morning, often before they even get out of bed. Your email could be the first thing they see as they wipe the sleep from their eyes.

Or maybe 9 PM is the sweet spot for your audience—right when they’re winding down with a glass of wine, relaxed and open to a bit of late-night shopping. These are the times when most marketers wouldn't dare to send an email, but that’s exactly why they might be a gold mine for your brand.

Creative A/B Testing Ideas

Ready to shake things up? Here are a few bold A/B tests you could run to see what really resonates with your audience:

1. Radical Send Times

Think about experimenting with unconventional times, like early in the morning or late at night. You might catch your audience at a quieter time when they’re less distracted and more likely to engage.

2. Unexpected Subject Lines

Test subject lines that break the usual mould. Try something funny, cryptic, or even a bit controversial. The goal is to spark curiosity and capture that all-important click.

3. Content Variations

Vary your email content. You could try testing a purely text-based email against one that’s more visual, or a super short message versus a longer, more in-depth one. See which format resonates most with your subscribers.

4. Audience-Specific Messaging

Leverage the data you have on your subscribers. Try personalising emails based on factors like time zones, purchase history, or even past behaviours. Personalisation goes far beyond just including someone’s name.

How to Get Started

The key to successful A/B testing is to be bold and open-minded. Don’t be afraid to try something new that feels a little out of your comfort zone. What’s the worst that could happen? You learn something new about your audience.

Start by testing these ideas with smaller segments of your audience to minimise any potential risk. Once you’ve gathered enough data, roll out the winners to your full list.

At Flowstate Academy, we’re all about pushing the boundaries and helping you uncover what really works for your brand. If you’re ready to elevate your email marketing, we’re here to help.

Join Flowstate Academy and learn how to skyrocket your open rates with creative, data-driven A/B testing strategies. Click here to find out more.